
ThemeWare® Debugging

Our promise and your trust

We are committed to providing the best experience for you and your customers with ThemeWare®. As you can see from our 500+ reviews, we care a lot about providing great support.

With over 20,000 customers, we have seen and solved almost every issue countless times. Please trust us and this process and follow the instructions step by step.

Over 95% of all issues are not caused by ThemeWare®. It is very likely that you can solve the issue yourself with the help of this process and do not have to wait for an answer from us.

If you cannot solve the issue yourself, you will automatically open a support ticket during this process. However, it is essential that you follow the steps below. This is the only way we can provide the excellent support that everyone loves so much.

All right, let's fix the issue now:

Which Shopware 6 edition do you use?

Do you use Shopware Self-managed or the Shopware Cloud?

Shopware Self-managed Shopware Cloud